Google adwords for ebay

Google adwords is used by pretty much every online company today, and you can also use it to promote your products on eBay. How can this help you?

First off, Google Ads are the small ads you see on the right hand side of the page when you search for something on Google. It is usually found under a small heading called "Sponsored ads." You get to decide on the content of the ad as well as the keywords for which this ad should be displayed. You also have control over other parameters such as budgets, location and frequency of advertising.

When someone clicks on this ad, you pay for it. And when they buy, it is a conversion. In general, the more ads you display, the greater is the possibility for someone to click your ad and maybe even buy it. To start off, you can use tools like automatic adwords creator and adwords scripts.

Automated Adwords
Key Benefits
Self learning algorithms for PPC campaigns
Steadily enhance your ppc campaigns
AI semantic research for PPC campaigns
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Some Statistics

For every $ 1 paid on PPC campaign, online businesses make approximatly $ 2.

The average cost-per-click over all sectors in Google AdWords on the search network is $ 2.69.

Consumers are 27 times open to click on a video ad than traditionnal banners.
