Google adwords for music video

So, you have a cool music video and want to promote it to the world? Google ads can help, but there are a ton of things that you should do from your end too before the results start pouring in.

  • Define your goals. Be clear on what you want to promote, to whom, where and more importantly, what you plan to get out of this campaign. For some people, it can be more views while for others, it can be brand awareness. So, whatever maybe your goal, be clear about it, so you can plan accordingly.
  • A crucial aspect in the success of Google adwords is keywords. So, use the right tools such as automated bidding adwords tools or even adwords optimization tools, so you can decide how much to spend on each keyword.
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Some Statistics

The approximate smartphone PPC ads CTR (click-through rate) falls of 45 % between positions one and two.

30.89 % : percentage of smartphone Google results that show at least one ad on page 1.

Marketers spend 51 % of their budget on mobile ads.
