Google adwords for app installs

It is estimated that more than 1000 apps are being submitted to the app store every day. So, to stand out in this crowded world, you need the right marketing strategy.

Google Ads is a tested and proven way to market your app and increase its installs in today's smartphone-driven world.

As a first step, you have to setup conversion tracking for your app as this will make it easy to place bids for your ads. For this, sign into your Google Ads account, click on Tools and select Converisons.

In the next section, choose Google Play Store if you want to monitor installs on Android phones. In the next screen, you'll have to enter values for the options. This is where you describe your product in detail, its cost to users and more.

Once this is done, you can start creating ads.

Automated Adwords
Key Benefits
Optimize Google Ads Management
Robotize Adwords Creation
Optimize campaign revenues
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Some Statistics

43 % of new buyers purchase a product they saw in a YouTube ad.

About 52 % of people shopping online choose to click on paid ad atop Google's search engine results pages.

Consumers are 27 times open to click on a video ad than traditionnal banners.
