Google adwords for b2b

B2B marketers and businesses stand to gain a lot with the right use of Google Ads. Here are some tips that can improve the return on your investment.

  • First off, you need to understand the terms that potential customers use to buy similar products. You can do some research in the Google keywords tool or you can use an adwords software to understand these terms.
  • Ideally, start with multiple keywords so you can test different search terms across a broad range of categories, before you can zone in on the ones that give you maximum return.
  • Once you identify the keywords, the next step is to create ads that are based on these keywords. Consider using an automatic adwords ad creator to get familiar with creating ads if you're new to it. You can even use an adwords campaign management software to stay on top of your marketing campaign.
Automated Adwords
Key Benefits
Optimize Keywords Dashboarding
Stop wasting your margin on Google Ads
Invincible Google Adwords performance
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Some Statistics

Google reports that search ads improve brand awareness by as much as 80 %.

Visitors are 27 times open to click on online video ad than traditionnal banners.

30.89 % : percentage of mobile Google searches that show minimum 1 advertisment on the first page.
