Google adwords for charities

Digital media eliminates geographical limitations, and this is good news for charities like you because you can receive money from any person living in any part of the world, so you can continue the good service you're doing.

This also means, you need to tell the world that you exist and you want them to know the different projects/work you do, so they can connect with you at an emotional level and become a one-time or a regular contributor. The best way to publicize yourself on the digital media is through Google Ads because no one has a bigger reach than Google.

All this doesn't necessarily have to feel overwhelming because you don't need much training for Google Ads. With some basic research and understanding you can get started. To improve your online presence, you can always choose a Google SME partner, Google Adwords agency or even an Adwords campaign management software.

Automated Adwords
Key Benefits
PPC high level ads creation for large volumes
Only pay Google Ads for leads you receive
AI semantic research for online marketing campaigns
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Some Statistics

The average cost-per-click across all industries in Google AdWords on the search network is $ 2.69.

The average CTR for an ad in the first position is 7.94 %. The standard click-through rate on AdWords paid search is about 2 %.

Facebook reports that paid ads can boost brand awareness by as much as 80 %.
