Google adwords for contractors

Are you a contractor who has turned to Google Ads to promote your business and to expand your customer base? Well, we want you to steer away from two of the biggest mistakes that other contractors do while using Google adwords.

  • Lack of understanding about geo-targeting. This is a big one because as a contractor you'll most likely service in a particular city or region only. So, you want only those residents to know about your services, and that's where geo-targeting helps.
  • Few keywords. This is a money sucking mistake because when you use an ambiguous keyword, you'll be paying for unproductive clicks. For example, if you set your keyword as contractor, you might up spending money for ad clicks that mean IT contractor, plumbing contractor and more. So, you'll have to be specific. Like for example, plumbing contractor Leeds UK.
Automated Adwords
Key Benefits
Increase campaign revenues
Great results by spending less in Google Ads
Pay a on-demand amount for your ideal level of investment
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Some Statistics

Google mentions that paid ads improve brand awareness by as much as 80 %.

Google Ads visitors are 50 % more likely to do a purchase than organic web trafic.

Share of Google of all media advertising revenue : 18 %.
