Google adwords for niche market

In today's competitive world, generic ideas and products seem to be commonplace. But if you have found your niche market and are looking to leverage the power of the Internet to make rapid strides in your chosen field, Google ads may be just what you need.

So, how can you use Google adwords and Google analytics to make headway in your niche market?

  • First off, figure out who your customer is, so you can create ads that appeal to them. During the first few times, consider using an automatic adwords ad creator tool to give you a feel of how the ads should sound.
  • Next, understand the intricacies of your niche market. Where are your customers located? What are their preferences? Answers to such questions can help you use Google ads more effectively.
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Some Statistics

Approximatly 52 % of visitors buying online prefer to click on paid ad atop search engine results.

43 % of new buyers purchase something they saw in a YouTube ad.

The approximate mobile PPC ads CTR (click-through rate) falls of 45 % from position 1 to 2.
